Dina Zaitman Marketing Coach & Consultant

"Do I need a Marketing Strategy?" Yes you do.

Dina Zaitman • December 12, 2020

If I asked you to define what a marketing strategy is, could you?

Or would you find yourself fumbling around in the dark hoping you land upon the right words? 

If your answer was "um...not sure", it's not your fault. So many marketing articles and texts make it far too complicated.

So here is a simple answer for you:

A marketing strategy in simple terms is a roadmap to sales.

It tells you what your brand stands for and how you will present yourself.

It tells you the goals and objectives you have set for the next 12 months and gives you a way to measure your success.

It tells you where you stand in comparison to your competitors. 

It tells you what makes you different or special.

It tells you what problems your business will be solving.

It tells you all about the people who will most likely want to buy your product/services.

It tells you what you need to do/say to get noticed.

It tells you how to get people to buy from you.   

It tells you what you need to sell to solve those problems.

It tells you exactly what actions to take to make that happen and when.

It tells you how much it will all cost you.

Now doesn't that sound awesome!? 

Not only that, it sounds pretty damn important for business owners.

Well I have some surprising news,  if you have no defined marketing strategy yet then chances are you are pretty far away from reaching your goals.

So how can you tell if you need a marketing strategy?

Here are some tell-tale signs that you need a marketing strategy:

1. You don't yet have one.

Do you have a written document that defines your marketing objectives and how they will be achieved? There's only one way to get this clarity and direction and that's to get a marketing strategy. Without it, you will find it hard to grow your business. 

2. Your brand is outdated. 

If you're a growing company that still has a logo and tagline that you came up with yourself, it might be time to consider getting a new outfit for your business; how you look and present yourself will have an effect on the type of customers you attract.

3. Sales conversion is low. 

Have you been investing in marketing both online and through traditional methods, but something’s not working? Maybe the sales aren’t coming in and you're wondering what to do. It could be that your marketing is missing the mark but without a strategy, you won't know. 

4. You're business has stopped growing.

I constantly hear business owners say "we're doing ok, business is fine". Well i am pretty sure you didn't start your own business to get to 'fine'. If the revenue curve has flattened, investing in a marketing strategy may be the catalyst you need to identify new markets and opportunities you haven't yet considered. 

5. You are no longer standing out.   

Do you have room in your budget to be innovative and try something new? Are your tried-and-true tactics no longer helping you to stand out? It may be time to evaluate your marketing spend through the lens of what-we-need versus what-we’ve-always done.

6. Your strategy is old.

If your strategy is older than 2-3 years it might be time for an update. The pace of change is so fast these days that a marketing plan that’s older than 24-36 months probably doesn’t account for new developments in marketing. You should be updating it every 12-18 months to ensure it remains aligned with your core values and overall business strategy while allowing you to capitalise on emerging opportunities.

7. Needs have changed. 

Are you in touch with your audience's needs? As your customers and prospects are shopping around for the best option, you need to make sure your strategy has accounted for changes in their preferences and modes of communication. Or you will risk them going elsewhere. A sound marketing strategy should always be based on an understanding and addressing customers’ perceptions, preferences and pain points.

8. Tactics before strategy. 

Sometimes we get so focused on the tactics like social media, mobile, email, or SEM that we lose sight of how it will all work together. The best way to avoid this is to first determine which strategic marketing initiatives, tactics and channels that will most effectively reach your target customers. 

9. No valuable content. 

You may have heard the phrase 'content is king'. Well that was never more true than now. Despite the deluge of information available online, customers are starving for knowledge. In 2021 it's important to demonstrate your unique perspective. One of the best ways to prove your worth is to integrate a content marketing plan into your strategy Using content methods like blogs, webinars, podcasts, events, video, and social posts can and should guide prospects through your sales funnel and help you find, define and convert leads into named prospects. 

10. Your competitors have more customers than you

Have you noticed your competitors seem to have a lot more going on than you? What do you do? You need a bold strategy - a clear road map of what to do and how to secure your company from becoming old news. 

Interested in getting your marketing strategy sorted?

If any of the above rings true for your company, it may mean it’s time to take a step back and reassess your marketing goals and establish your 2021 integrated marketing strategy.

The easiest thing to do is to book a free Diagnostic Session with Dina,

You'll able to braindump what's been holding you back and finally move forward.


Happy strategising!



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