A marketing strategy underpins a solid marketing plan. Think of a marketing strategy as your business' blueprint for what you want to achieve and the direction you want to take your business in, whereas your marketing plan is how you will go about this.
A Marketing Strategy and Plan will help you:
Not sure if you need a strategy? Read this post.
Benjamin Franklin
Strategy planning requires a comprehensive discovery process. It's like mapping out your entire business journey. Let's break it down:
Know Your Business:
Market Checkup:
Goals to Go For:
Meet Your Audience:
Why You're Special:
Marketing Game Plan:
Budget and Resources:
Timing is Everything:
Measure Your Success:
Ready for the Unexpected:
Plan Your Marketing Calendar:
Who's Doing What:
Stay Legal and Ethical:
Listen and Learn:
Handle Crises Like a Pro:
Could this be what you've been missing all this time? Book a call with me and we can get the party started.
Start with a no-obligation discovery call to discuss your needs.