If you’re reading this post, chances are pretty good that you haven’t yet found a marketing coach, or perhaps even a mentor (yes, there’s a distinction between the two). Commonly, businesses that have not found a marketing coach or a mentor haven’t done so because they believe it’s a costly relationship they can’t afford.
The truth is, this is a relationship that you can’t afford to do without. Many small business owners make the mistake of thinking that marketing is not important. In reality, it's what helps you get your foot in the door and establish a customer base. The problem is, when they try to do it themselves, they become overwhelmed by what seems like an insurmountable task. It doesn't have to be this way!
You can learn how to market your brand effectively with a little help from a marketing coach.
Marketing isn't as complicated or difficult as you might think once you know where to start and who can teach you how to do it properly for your unique business model!
In this post I will cover:
1) What exactly does a marketing coach do?
2) Do I actually need a coach?
3) Who can I hire to DO my marketing for me?
I can't speak for other coaches, but what I do is probably more akin to a business coaching, even though my background is ALL marketing. What I do is work holistically with business owners to recommend strategies and processes to meet their goals as efficiently as possible and then I help them implement these strategies over time.
I do this by giving advice, introducing my clients to relevant stakeholders in my network, showing my clients different resources and strategies, and mentoring or training them on anything they need help with.
What gets me really excited is seeing my clients develop their own marketing instincts so they feel empowered to make faster and smarter business decisions. Marketing coaching includes a lot of mindset stuff like confidence building. There is nothing better than feeling on top of your marketing strategy.
Well that depends on where you want to take your business and whether you think you could use some help to get there. Here are some telltale questions you can ask yourself:
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you probably could do with some coaching. And that's the truth.
At some point all business owners ask themselves this question. I say, “if you can afford someone internally, then do that.” It's kinda a no brainer. Marketing is a key function of the business and it should NEVER be neglected. However, I get that not everyone has the funds.
Having said that, marketing is one of those functions where it's quite complicated to work out if you need a junior, mid tier, or senior marketer. And what's the difference anyway? What if you need someone to do your content, or your social media, or manage your newsletter? Is that person going to be able to also help with strategy and planning?
The truth is, at different times in your business growth, you will need different type of marketing expertise. I know that may sound confusing because it is! That's why I became a marketing coach.
Some marketing people are specialists in quite specific areas of digital marketing like SEO, social media or content. Some focus more on the high level strategic side. No one person can do it all. I can help lead you in the right direction and help you hire the RIGHT people.
I hope that de-bunked a few burning questions for you today.
Ultimately a marketing coach will help you:
✔️ Get more income for less effort
✔️ Be more efficient
✔️ Make faster and smarter business decisions
✔️ Be able to analyse their own success
✔️ Know when to try something and when to steer clear
Have a great day!
Dina xx
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Call or email at hello@dinazaitman.com
Have a GREAT weekend!
Dina xxx
Start with a no-obligation discovery call to discuss your needs.