Dina Zaitman Marketing Coach & Consultant

30 Second Lesson: Building a Brand Blueprint

Dina Zaitman • July 10, 2021

When someone asks you to describe your brand, what do you say?

Are you able to discuss your unique selling proposition, your brand values, communication style and more?. You really shouldn't struggle to answer this question. Ideally, you should be able to summarise the answer in a single sentence and give plenty of extra details.

Look at the language you've used. It should be clear and specific.

Think about whether or not your brand truly sets itself apart from your competitors.

Admittedly there is alot of jargon in the brand world and I am sure many marketers would find it hard to define some of the terms used.

In any case, here are some of the definitions you should be aware of if brand building is hot on your agenda.


Brand Equity


Brand equity is a marketing term that describes a brand's value. That value is determined by consumer perception of and experiences with the brand. If your brand has positive brand equity, you can charge more for your products and services than the generic products or other competitors. Think Apple.                                         

Ask yourself:

How established is your reputation in the market?



Brand Story


A brand story is a cohesive narrative that encompasses the facts and feelings that are created by your brand (or business, if you prefer). Unlike traditional advertising, which is about showing and telling about your brand, a story must inspire an emotional reaction.                                                                                                                                     

Ask yourself:

Do you have a clear story behind your brand?

Is it visible across all your channels? 

Are you able to summarise your brand in one sentence?

Look at the language you've used. It should be clear and specific.


Brand Identity         


Brand identity is the visible elements of a brand, such as color, design, and logo, that identify and distinguish the brand in consumers' minds.                     

Ask yourself:        

Do you have your Brand Guidelines documented?

Is your brand consistent across all your channels?

Do you have a Modern Logo?


Brand Voice 


Brand voice refers to the personality and emotion infused into a company's communications. It encompasses everything from the words and language you use, to the personality and image your marketing assets aim to invoke. The voice your brand takes on can be funny, emotional, smart, sentimental––it just has to be true to the brand and the audience you serve.                                                                   


Ask yourself:  

Do you talk consistently across all your channels?

Does your brand voice represent your brand?


Brand Visibility       


Brand Visibility can be defined as the frequency at which people see your brand in search results, on social media, email marketing and other online marketing channels. Brand visibility is about engaging in active online marketing to help draw attention of your customers to your brand.                                                                                 

Ask yourself:

How visible are you online?

Can people easily find you when they are looking for your products and services?



Your Ideal Audience Definition   


A target audience is the people most likely to be interested in a company's product or service. Having a strong definition of your target audience is crucial to being able to communicate with them effectively. Go beyond demographics.                                                                                                                                                                                             

Ask yourself:

How well can you describe your target audience?

Have you done much analysis?

Have you created personas?

Is it clear from your copywriting who you are targeting?



Unique Value Proposition/Differentiation


Your UVP is a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer, how you solve your customer's needs and what distinguishes you from the competition. Your unique value proposition should appear prominently on your landing page and in every marketing campaign.                                                                                                               

Ask yourself:

Do you know what your UVP is?

Is your unique value clear to your market?

Do you think your brand truly sets itself apart from your competitors?


Brand Messaging     


A brand message is a concise easy-to-understand communication message which tells a story. It is directed towards a pre-determined market segment and considers what the customers want to hear, what the brand can provide, and what the competitors are already providing.                                                                                                     

Ask yourself:

How well do you think you are conveying your brand value to your target market?



Brand Awareness     


Brand awareness is the way in which consumers recognise and remember your business. The greater the brand awareness you have, the more audiences will be familiar with your logo, messaging, and products.                                   

Ask yourself:

Do you feel you have low or high brand awareness amongst your market?

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